
About Us

Have you, or do you know someone who’s been the victim of corrupt or blatantly biased rulings in the court system and felt you couldn’t do anything about it because judges think they’re above the law? 

If the answer is yes, then please support www.corruptqueenscourt.com 

This platform will work to make sure judges don’t behave like they’re above the law by exposing blatantly biased rulings and favoritism. 

Over the past decade Colin Benjamin and I have covered some of the most blatantly biased rulings by judges in the courts system, especially in New York State Supreme Court, Queens. There’s a case where a judge named Margaret McGowan made an adverse ruling against a victim even after she’d already recused herself from the case primarily because of my reporting. In another one of her cases McGowan told a victim that if he didn’t accept a settlement that she—the judge—favored, she’d order him to pay $100,000 in legal fees to his wife. 

There’s another case where a judge named William Viscovich, a friend of McGowan’s, blackmailed a victim into paying his wife’s legal fees in a divorce case even though the couple had a pre-nuptial agreement precluding such payment—the judge forced the victim into doing so by ordering him locked in the notorious Rikers island jail in a cell with several suspects who’d allegedly committed serious crimes. The victim suffered several adverse biased rulings too while McGowan was still handling his case. After she recused herself—not surprisingly to us— the case ended up with McGowan. From the frying pan into the fire. 

There are judges who rule in favor of cases handled by lawyers whom they seem to prefer regardless of the facts or evidence presented in court. 

Our writings have had impact. How do we know it? Because the judges have kicked both Colin and myself out of their courtrooms with flimsy excuses that media coverage would be harmful to the children of couples going through divorce because they could Google the stories one day when they grow up. 

I could go on and on but there’s no need since you all have either experienced or know someone who’d been the victim of this blatant injustice. 

Although the platform is called Corrupt Queens Court we’ll cover cases from all the five New York boroughs and nationally as we grow. 

On page we’ll be posting articles as well as short video clips discussing some past cases we’ve covered, recent cases, and cases that we’re working on. We will also occasionally have live conversations on the Youtube channel or other platforms. 

We’d like to cover as many stories but we also need your support to enable us to be able to pay and bring more writers and investigative reporters on board. 

Please consider supporting us by clicking on the “donate” button on this page or supporting our patreon page 

If you know of well-documented stories that need to be exposed send us the information via [email protected]  

“Corruption Anywhere Affects Victims Everywhere.”